Re/Vive Collection

First off, Happy Earth Week to all you lovely AYM Insiders!

Of course, we believe that Earth Week should be every week, but what better time than now to highlight the sustainability discussion and keep it flowing.

Today, we’re talking about how we can reduce our need for raw materials by sourcing waste or ‘dead stock’ fabrics to create our garments with. 

The production of raw materials includes producing fabrics such as cotton and polyester which are historically water intensive and chemically polluting respectively. Even sustainable fabrics such as bamboo will have an environmental impact, it might be smaller than it’s non-sustainable alternatives, but why not eliminate our cause for this impact where we can?

This is why we have begun looking to other companies’ waste inventories to source the fabrics for some of our garments. These pieces make up our ‘Revive’ collection.

Similarly to how we might shop second hand to reduce our reliance on new clothes being made, we are trying to reduce our demand for ‘new’ fabrics being made on our behalf, by utilising ones that already exist.

This also allows us to get a little more creative with these designs, as they are mostly limited runs with the amount of units made depending on the amount of fabric we can get our hands on. While we like to keep our core collection pieces more timeless, our Revive collection is where we can feature some patterns and bolder colours, while giving the fabrics a new lease of life. 

Some of these materials do unfortunately contain polyester and other fibres that aren’t traditionally environmentally friendly. However, as they do already exist and would otherwise go to waste, why not make them into durable, long lasting, quality garments that people can love and cherish instead.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic too, so do feel free to drop a comment below to continue the discussion!





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