What Is UK Women's Go-To Style When Working From Home?

We asked over 500 UK women between the ages of 18-45 about their ‘go-to’ style when working from home, and the findings were very interesting.

How do you dress when working from home?

There are a number of ladies out there, in various professions, that work comfortably from their home on a daily basis to bring in those fashion tokens. But under the current circumstances, that figure has risen dramatically as government guidance tells us to stay at home to protect ourselves, those around us and our dear healthcare workers across the country. 

As we are now quickly approaching a full month under the lockdown, there has been a lot of time to think, contemplate and imagine hundreds of different scenarios on a daily basis. Can you relate? Well, the same applies to us girls here at AYM Studio... so let’s break it down. 

Long gone are the days of super early mornings getting ready for the work commute… can you remember those distant memories? Seems a long time ago, right? When it comes to the morning ritual,, those of us who are still fortunate enough to be working, a LOT has changed. This has raised a very important question that we would like to get to the bottom of. 

Time to research! 

Has anyone forgotten what it was like to throw on your work uniform in the morning whilst getting ready for the day at work? The tired eyed make-up routine that followed the sound of the alarm clock? Yeah… us too. As many of us have been forced to work from home during the unfortunate circumstances of today, our routines, fashion style and usual habits have been forced to adapt. 

So… how have our fashion efforts been impacted whilst working from home? And is there a go-to style for a home office set up? This is a pretty serious question that needs a serious answer, and that’s what our latest research project seeks to discover. 

We decided to collect the opinions of 500 women out there between the ages of 18-45  working from home in the UK. This helped us gain a true understanding of just how much effort women go to, or don’t go to, when the home is their office. 

The question: What would be your go-to style when working from home? 

  1. a) Minimum effort (PJ’s) 
  2. b) Casual (gym wear/tracksuit) 
  3. c) Everyday wear (jeans & a top) 
  4. d) Usual office wear 

We broke the answers down from the minimum effort to the hardest. What would your answer be? We found some very interesting results. 

work from home style results graph

39.7% - Everyday wear (eg - jeans & top) 

There we have it - our sample proves everyday wear is the most common ‘go-to’ style. The girls out there working are just dressing like it’s one big weekend, and can you blame them? 

35% - Casual (eg - gym wear/tracksuit) 

Gymwear, jogging bottoms and casual loungewear occupied the second spot. This is a very comfortable option that girls can still look amazing in. Have you not seen the AYM - at home collection? We all know how addictive your favourite gym wear is too. 

19.7% - Minimum effort (eg - pyjamas)

A significant chunk of us out there seem to be embracing our inner sloth! Straight out of the quilts and into work mode! No doubt, there are some beautiful pyjamas out there that do deserve showing off. 

3.5% - Officewear (shirt & skirt) 

Are we surprised or was this expected? Only a mere 3.5% of women in our sample dress as they usually would whilst working from home. We respect the commitment, ladies. But now, those of us who don’t make as much effort can relax. 

2.1% - Other

And last but not least, we have 2.1% of women dressing in a different way. Our data defines ‘other’ as uniforms, being naked, and even full leathers?! Not the most obvious style, but each to theory own.

Everyday wear - the go-to style when working from home!

There we have it, girls! If you’re sitting back relaxing in your usual everyday attire whilst plugging away at your work tasks. Just know that around 40% of other girls are doing the exact same. It’s a way in which you can look fabulous without going to the usual effort of complete officewear. 

Comfy lounge/gym wear and casual clothing came in at a close second, proving that for many of us like to just feel stylishly comfortable whilst we are facing unusual working routines. On the other hand, almost 20% of women working from home just like to feel comfortable… and if that means staying in pyjamas; so be it! 

Last but not least, was usual officewear. I’m sorry officewear, but under the current circumstances, for many of us… you are just not our priority. The ladies out there that are sticking to their formal combinations, we salute you. 

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